Hot Sake

Because some like it hot!

Forget about those scalding thimbles of sake you had down at the sushi train in your early twenties, there is a whole world of sophistication behind heating sake to just the right temperature to bring out the nuances and enhance the mood.

Imagine cracking open a thermos of warm sake while off-piste skiing or gently warming a rich Kimoto Junmai to enliven the soul around a beachside bonfire in the middle of winter. Remember - with a little attention to detail, hot sake can have both style and swagger.

Read our Hot Sake Guide

Hot Sake

Nagaragawa Junmai 720ml

Hugely popular in Gifu prefecture. Classic easy drinking pure rice sake, aroma of rice cooking on the hearth, hints of spice. Best warm.

In stock
AUD $32.95
Hanzo Tokubetsu Junmai 720ml

“Slow Food” Hot Sake Gold Medal winner. Palate is mandarin and pear. If cold enjoy cleansing acidity and more fruit.

In stock
AUD $45.95
Nagaragawa Junmai 300ml

Hugely popular in Gifu prefecture. Classic easy drinking pure rice sake, aroma of rice cooking on the hearth, hints of spice. Best warm.

In stock
AUD $16.95
Hanahato Tokubetsu Junmai 720ml

Refreshing style of tokubetsu junmai, flavours of pear, orange, rockmelon, sudachi peel and fine white pepper.

In stock
AUD $38.95
Toko Junmai 720ml

Mandarin, pear & clove. Refreshing when chilled, as the glass warms citrus & spice are accentuated & the palate becomes broader & richer.

In stock
AUD $36.95
Senbazuru Junmaishu 720ml

This sake is earthy, smooth and clean with an umami rich, creamy palate that treads the line between savoury and sweet. Enjoy 15-25C.

In stock
AUD $34.95
Dewatsuru Kimoto Junmai 720ml

Dry, earthy old school sake. Shiitake and shoyu on the nose. Palate of lime and mushroom. Dry, short, clean finish.

In stock
AUD $35.95

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